Thursday, February 11, 2010

Stuck on this!

I am still stuck on a topic of one of my last few blogs.... Idolatry. It is an immensely crucial topic throughout the entire Old Testament. When the Israelites were in the wilderness with Moses, when Moses came down from Mt. Sinai, he found that the people made an idol to worship. We are commanded not to bow down to any idol (see Deuteronomy 5:8-10). On and on the Israelites were warned to not have any idols.

It's easy to sit here and think, "What an awful, abominable thing! How could they make something to worship?" It's too easy to do so... It's not a widespread topic to keep God at number one in our lives. It's too easy in the complacency of life to allow certain things to run us ... money, family, jobs, friends, work, etc. It might not be an image or a statue, but how often do we bow down to these and worship them in the sense of allowing them to run our lives?

Where has the honor gone in keeping the Lord in the first and foremost place? May we keep Him first in our love, time, money, and everything. By obeying Him to the fullest, loving Him above anyone and anything in our lives, He will make us successful and bless us in all of our ways.

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