Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Freeze frame

With this cool summer, I think it's permissible to talk about something cold!

Anyways. Ice... It is the solid form water takes when heat is minimal. In its beauty ice can form complex crystals. In its treachery ice makes conditions dangerous, slippery, without traction.

When frozen, movement is limited. An eerie stillness settles in. Who would dare move?

I once had an odd dream involving ice. To paint the picture, I was on some type of vacation with my family. We were staying in a house along a stretch of cleared land with trees on lining the sides. Quite comically we were sitting in lawn chairs watching our surroundings. Suddenly a single cloud, looking like a log, rolled in and suspended our immediate surroundings with a coat of ice. Most of my family escaped.

Talk about a lot of fear. Everything was encased by ice.

Then the sun came out and returned the water to its liquid form.

The world was at peace again.

It's so unfortunate, but this happens to us on the inside sometimes. Like a big ice storm we are frozen in our mind.

Fear? Taking liberty to be so hard on yourself, like smacking yourself with a baseball bat?

For any number of reasons we get so mentally knotted. It prevents us from moving, from acting. Likewise we begin to view situations from behind a wall of ice to observe. Oh that the Son would melt this all away!

Jesus said there is no condemnation! He said we are free! Free! FREE! Wherever the Spirit is, there is freedom! We don't need to beat ourselves up anymore... That was never in God's plan. Only Jesus gives us this liberation. Who else can?

Lord, teach us to step out into the unknown, having faith in You constantly. I declare FREEDOM in the hearts and minds of all who read this, that they would be free to think, to speak, and to act in this freedom. May all of our thoughts, words, and movements be in Your will of LOVE. In Jesus' name! Amen!

So be it.

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